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๐ŸŸ  Harness Creation

Challenge #24

Created by Thomas Laforge


The goal of this challenge is to create a test harness for slider.component.ts. The harness file, slider.harness.ts, has already been created.

The following API needs to be implemented:

async clickPlus(): Promise<void> ;
async clickMinus(): Promise<void>;
async getValue(): Promise<number> ;
async getMinValue(): Promise<number>;
async disabled(): Promise<boolean>;
async setValue(value: number): Promise<void>;

Additionally, you should create a HarnessPredicate with the default predicate and the minValue property.

static with<T extends MySliderHarness>(
this: ComponentHarnessConstructor<T>,
options: SliderHarnessFilters = {}
): HarnessPredicate<T>;

Lastly, you will need to create the test suite for app.component. Some default tests have already been written, but feel free to add as many tests as you want and create as many harness methods as you need.

Angular Material documentation can be found here.

Good luck !!! ๐Ÿ’ช