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๐ŸŸข Signal Input

Challenge #43

Created by Thomas Laforge


Finally, the day has arrived when the Angular team introduces a reactive input. This highly requested feature has been awaited for many years. Version 17.1 introduces SignalInput. Instead of utilizing the well-known @Input decorator, you now have a function that returns a signal.

// old way
@Input() age?: number;
// new way
age = input<number>()

If you want required inputs

// old way
@Input({required: true}) age!: number;
// new way
age = input.required<number>()

If you wanted to obtain a signal from an input, you had to go through a setter to configure your signal from the input.

// old way
age = signal(0)
@Input({alias: 'age'}) set _age(age: number){
// new way
age = input<number>()


In this small application, the goal is to refactor the UserComponent to utilize SignalInput.

  • You have required and optional inputs.
  • You can use the transform function for the age input to directly convert the property to a number.